Known Bugs
There are likely a whole host of bugs and issues with this software -- it should be considred "Beta" for the moment. Here are the ones we know about:-
DeleteMin fails on a heap with a single element. - Fixed on 12/19/2013
None of the visualizations work for older versions of explorer - Fixed on 8/23/2012. Thanks to Stefan German for fiding this one.
Putting a semicolon in any of the input fields causes the application to die - Fixed on 5/3/2011. Semicolons can no longer be entered. Thanks to Stefan German for fiding this one.
BST and AVL trees have broken undos in HTML5 version - Fixed on 5/3/2011.
Find and Delete broken in open hashing - Fixed on 5/10/2011. (thanks to Eduardo Bonet, of Santa Catarina Federal University, Brazil, for finding this one!)
- All algorithms that compute an ordering (BST, AVL Trees, etc) don't sort floating point numbers correctly -- 9.2 > 10.3
- This one is a design decision -- since those algoritms can take any string, the decision was made to sort based on lexicographic order. We tried to mitigate confusion somehwat by automatically converting positive integers into equivalent numbers with leading zeroes, so that positive integers would always be ordered as expected (though negative numbers are alas off). It turns out that if you are trying to sort a group of any strings, using a mixed comparison strategy gets confusing fast -- how should 10.4 compare to 3.1.2? What about 3A -- is that a string or a hexidecimal number? What about AF? Should BC come before or after AFF? We made the executive decision to just do string comparisons.
When running connected components, if you run the algorithm, then undo, then run it again, the application breaks. We're working on a fix -- the current workaroud is to create a new graph after undo before running the algorithm again. - Fixed on 5/10/2011.
Undoing deleting an element from a B-Tree or B+ tree broken - Fixed on 6/13/2011.
Radix sort broken on Safari browser - Fixed on 6/13/2011.
- Various typos
- Please continue to send in any typos you see, and I will correct them as I get to them (at a somewhat lower priority than functionaility bugs, of course). Typo corrections will not appear on this page.